Did I mention that I forgot the most important factors. Am I providing information that you will find informative and that you don't already know? What makes this blog any different than others. Is my approach fresh and informative. Am I fulfilling a desire to answer some unknown questions. I do believe the jury is still out. At this moment I'm not sure what value this blog provides and will not know until my visitors provide some feedback. Given the fact that I have had zero visitors tells me something. Go back to the drawing board and figure out what must be done to drive traffic to my blog. Take accoutability for it and own it!!
Since my little hiatus, I have read and read, listented to videos, downloaded free ebooks and read some more. Fortunately, I found some little nuggets to assist me in driving visitors. This is what I've learned so far. There are too many to techniques to list here so I narrowed it down to the seven that I'm working on.
7 Tips to Attrack Visitors to Your Website or Blog:
1. Join the social networking sites. My favorites are LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook!
2. Comment on other blogs.
3. Write interesting and valuable content.
4. Write and submit articles. Be a subject matter expert in what you are passionate about!
5. Attract visitors with Free Giveaways like a free report or ebook!
6. Link to other articles and similar content blogs
7. Search Engine Optimization: making your blog and content search engine friendly.
I am deploying a many of the above tips and we will see what the response is. I know this all trial and error.
So here is my challenge to you! Assuming you are alerted to this post, please comment, make recommendations, and let me know what your thoughts are on the topics. Follow me on Twitter or visit my Facebook or LinkedIn profiles. Let me know you have visited.
I will return the favor!
For my next post, I will work on giving away a free report or ebook so stay tuned.
Have yourself a properous day!
I look forward to your comments!!!!